Smart Nepal

Smart Nepal became the first operator in their market to have a unified supplier for A2P, P2A and P2P traffic, gaining better visibility of their messaging traffic and being able to more easily separate messages into their appropriate routes.

Founded in 2008, Smart quickly expanded and currently serves Nepali subscribers with voice, text and 4G mobile internet services


To consolidate all Smart Nepal traffic via a single vendor, rationalise the way the operator connected to its domestic and international peers, improving control while maintaining and improving service.


GMS had launched A2P, P2P and P2A services and – crucially – installed a firewall. This latter step took some time, as a bespoke solution was required, which meant installing the hardware and software from scratch, on top of devising the necessary controls and rules.


By working with a trusted partner, Smart Nepal were able to gain better visibility of their A2P, P2A and P2P messaging traffic and more easily separate messages into their appropriate routes.

Greater simplicity in terms of connectivity brought better control – in conjunction with the new firewall, this consolidated routing ensured that all A2P messages must only enter the network via authorised routes. P2A traffic was also rationalised, as GMS was able to highlight P2A use cases that were not being routed effectively.

Now, Smart Nepal’s traffic is unified and well managed, reducing their overheads and billing complexity while considerably boosting revenues.

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